Banner Sponsor Program

Attention Athletic Directors & Coaches,

Are you looking for an innovative way to boost funding for your football and baseball programs without the hassle of traditional fundraising?

Look no further! Our exclusive banner sponsor program offers a seamless solution that can generate $5,000 annually** for your baseball and football teams, with little time commitment on your part and it's completely free for your athletic department!

Here's how it works:

Don't miss out on this risk-free opportunity to revolutionize your fundraising efforts and secure vital funding for your teams.

With our program completely free for your athletic department and requiring minimal time investment on your part, there's no reason not to give it a try.

Get in touch today to learn more and take the first step toward better financial stability for your athletic programs.

But hurry! We're only willing to take on a limited number of athletic departments. Make sure you secure your spot!

Let's Get in Touch

Here's Some of the Ways our Program can Benefit Your Teams:

  • Equipment: purchasing new bats, gloves, helmets, shoulder pads, protective equipment, and other gear improves students' safety and performance.
  • Uniforms: providing new uniforms fosters team unity and identity.
  • Facilities: Funds can go towards field maintenance, upgrades, or even building new facilities, and enhancing the players' and crowd's experiences.
  • Travel Expenses: Supporting transportation costs for away games allows the team to compete more effectively.
  • Coaching and Training: hiring qualified coaches or investing in training programs improves players' skills, performance, and safety.
  • Scholarships: you can use the funds to create scholarships for deserving players, encouraging both talent development and academic success.
  • & much more!

Disclaimers and other info.:

*Contacting us does not guarantee a spot in our program. We screen each department to make sure they have an appropriate and ample amount of space to display sponsor banners and to make sure the department is otherwise a good fit for our program.

**We charge your sponsors $700. We keep $200 to provide our banner services and we send you $500 per banner. While we work very hard to get as many sponsors as possible, we cannot guarantee that your department will reach our target goal of 10 sponsors or $5,000 annually. You may end up with less sponsors and money.

***You will receive your funds within 90 days of collection.